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    Prison Fellowship

    Founded in 1976, Prison Fellowship’s mission is to serve and restore the lives of those affected by crime and incarceration. This organization runs events and programs in correctional facilities across the country, supports the families of prisoners, and advocates for a more restorative approach to justice. They also share the gospel and spread hope with prisoners and their families.

    Woman and girl hugging


    One of the ways Prison Fellowship supports families is through Angel Tree. This program works with families who have an incarcerated parent to make sure their children receive Christmas gifts. Local volunteers deliver the gifts along with a personal message from parents and an easy-to-read bible to make sure kids know they are loved and cared for during the holiday season. This program was created to restore and strengthen the relationship between incarcerated parents and their children.

    We’re proud to have supported Angel Tree for over 10 years! In 2022, our small business donated 34 presents to 24 local children from 8 families.

    If you want to learn more about Prison Fellowship or support them, visit their website or donate directly here.